
Scheduling your Delivery (For Online Orders - In-store orders will be scheduled in store)
  • Please allow 7 business days (In some cases less) for in-stock items that are placed online to arrive. 
  • Once merchandise is in, customer is called to have a delivery date and time scheduled. Delivery is typically scheduled 1 to 3 days after merchandise is in.
  • If an order is placed, and the item is not in stock, customer will be notified within 6 hours of placing the order. 
Delivery Rate
  • Delivery is charged at the following rate: $60.00 for the first five miles, anything more than five miles will be $20 per any extra one to five miles.
  • This charge is a flat rate that includes assembly and set up.
Customer's Obligations for the Delivery
  • Customer must have the space empty and ready for delivery personnel, delivery personnel will not move or remove anything from customer’s place of residence.
  • Customer should remove any decorative or fragile items that are present on the location of the furniture to be placed in. Room Impressive Furniture is not Liable for any damages that may arise in a crowded setting
Acceptance of Merchandise
  • We inspect all the merchandises before the delivery to ensure there are no damages or factory defects. Once delivery is made, we ask customers to inspect the merchandise in full. Once invoice is signed, Room Impressive Furniture is not liable against any future claims that may arise.
  • If customer is not available on the delivery date without submitting a re-scheduling request on 24 hours prior to the delivery date and time, a re-delivery fee equal to the original amount will be added to the balance.
  • We may perform minor cosmetic touch up which is a common practice in the furniture industry at the time of delivery.
  • Any merchandise defect that may be subject to manufacturer's warranty will be communicated on behalf of customer to the manufacturer, please note that Room Impressive Furniture does NOT provide any warranty separate from that of manufacturer's warranty.
Pick up Orders
  • Please allow 7 business days for in-stock items that are placed online to arrive.
  • Once merchandise is in, customer will be notified to pick up the items IN BOXES from our store located at 6724 Highway 6 South, Houston, TX 77083
  • If customer requests pick up items to be assembled, a flat assembly fee of $30 will be charged for all items. Assembled items will be in plastic wrap, and will no longer be in their original boxes